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Prophetic Word for the
United Kingdom

United Kingdom


Prophetic word concerning




Early this afternoon I [Victoria West] was sitting in my office when I clearly heard these words,


“ the unbridling of a nation that has been controlled, contained, confined and constrained by the hand of the ungodly and the wicked."


As I heard those words I immediately began to pray in the Spirit and a powerful picture opened up before me where I saw a Wild Stallion rearing high upon its hind legs, now as I looked at this incredibly powerful and majestic creature I saw that it had a bit and bridle in its mouth and black leather blinkers on its eyes. This most beautiful creature was almost completely blind to its surroundings. Now as I looked again at this wild stallion which was now running frantically back and forth and back and forth I saw that it was confined to a very small enclosure.


As I looked again I saw that it was highly stressed running blindly around and around in circles with dust filling the air. Then suddenly it was quickened to me by the Spirit that what I was seeing was a powerful prophetic picture of the United Kingdom, and that just like this powerful and majestic wild stallion, the nation of Great Britain has too been controlled, contained, confined and constrained by the hands of the ungodly and the wicked, i.e., the European Union. And that as a nation we have been controlled by a bit and bridal in our mouths and we have had blinkers put on our eyes making it impossible for us to see clearly. As a nation we have been confined to a very small enclosure and we have been fully constrained from having the ability to run free and wild as God created us to do. 


But then suddenly the picture changed, and I saw the hand of God moving upon the nation to remove the bit and the bridal from our mouth and the blinker from our eyes. I saw a mighty wind of His Spirit beginning to move with great power and acceleration upon the nation and that which had brought confinement and constraint to the nation was being fully dismantled and destroyed.


Then I saw the nation of Great Britain and Northern Ireland breaking free from every demonic restraint that kept the nation bound and shacked, and then I heard the Spirit say;


“Watch as My governing hand now moves to unbridle this great nation, for no longer will this nation be controlled, contained, confined, or constrained by the hand of the ungodly and the wicked. For I have decreed that this nation shall break free from the shackles that have kept her bound and I have declared a new day is now dawning over the people of this land, For behold! I will do a new thing in this nation. Now it shall spring forth, Do you see it? For I will even make a way in the wilderness. Yes! and rivers shall flow forth upon the desert places. Watch as My glory now arises over the nation to bring to birth that which I have promised, For now is the time of a great awakening and reformation that My people have cried out for.”


13th December 2018

Prophetic Word


Victoria West

United Kingdom


Prophetic word concerning the coming




“On the streets of London, on the streets of Birmingham, on the streets of Bristol, you will witness people repenting and coming to Jesus.” The Lord says “I want the UK to know that I have not forgotten you. My calling and My testimony for the UK remains what I have always wanted it to be. Have you not seen? Don’t you remember? I have taken you to the corners of the earth. Look at the language that covers the earth. How can I forget you?” Says the Lord? “I know your tears, I know how you cried to Me, I know how many have said this is a post Christian era in UK,” but thus saith the Lord, “I have always had a remnant in the UK and the tears of this remnant has reached up to Me. Stay there because the tears have reached up to Me. I am coming back to the UK.” says the Lord.


“I am coming back in power and in My glory. No one will recognize this is the same UK. Nobody will recognize this is the same Bristol, a place dominated by witchcraft, but, “thus saith the Lord, “the witches are coming in. People will say to you, “What is the secret?   Where did you get this from?” Little will they know that I have always had a remnant. I have always had a people that have not stopped to cry, have not stopped to pray, that have not stopped to wrestle in the spirit and have cried out to Me, have spoken to Me because they have not moved to the left or right”, saith the Lord.  


“I’m sending help for the UK from all over the earth. I am sending help from Africa, I am sending help from China. I am sending help from Egypt. I am sending help from America.  Yes I will send help from Russia. Nations shall come into the UK and bless the nation of the UK. People will come into the United Kingdom and begin to set up altars to the almighty God and these altars will speak the Word of God. They will become the power points to release the power of God in the UK not too long after today.  


Even politicians from the UK will realize the church of God is alive in the UK and they will begin to come back to you. They will ask, “Please pray for us. We realize we cannot rule this nation without your involvement.” For I the Lord your God has purposed to restore all the years the locusts had devoured. I will use the UK one more time to go back to China like Hudson Taylor did. I will use the UK one more time to go to the islands of the earth. I will use the UK one more time to step into its apostolic calling and establish My kingdom in the earth. It will begin with the UK” says the Lord. “Do not give up, do not hold back, and do not spare yourself. Get hold of My Kingdom, says the Lord. “Get hold of My heart” says the Lord, “Do not let Me go, for I have decided to restore everything the locust has devoured. UK will one more time become an ending place for missionary sending to the ends of the earth. For I the Lord your God has spoken.”


9th January 2006

Prophetic Word


Rev Chris Daza,

Africamp, Kampala, Uganda

Reported by Biddy Collyer from Norwich


You have opened your doors to anti-Christ and you don’t even know it. You think you are being politically correct when in fact you’re just allowing the evil to run rampant.


Wake up before it is too late.


22nd January 2022

Prophetic Word


Louis Vogel-Sharp


You lost My blessing when you accepted murdering My babies, and cheered, as if it were some kind of a celebration.


Shame on you, I say.


22nd January 2022

Prophetic Word


Louis Vogel-Sharp

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