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Our History

From The Beginning




​The history of Daystar Ministries stems from the prophetic as it is with many other ministries that the Lord Himself has called and established. The Bible speaks of this as follows: And [we, the church ministries] are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. [Ephesians 2:20]. Daystar Ministries was prophesied into being by a sent one [an apostle], and it continues to be informed by the prophetic [The prophets]. The Rhema Word declaring Isaiah 62 as the foundation stone of the ministry purpose [The Word being the chief cornerstone].


The Call To The Mount


The month and year was January of 1999. I [Nicholas] attended an Anglican church in east London in my early years. This particular period in time was about seven years after I got married. I then asked the late Sister Bettie Davies in my home church in Leyton to pray with me concerning the will of God for my life and ministry. I also had certain other things to enquire of the Lord. So, we agreed to meet on Tuesday the 26th of January 1999. But on Friday the 22nd of January, she telephoned me at about 9pm and gave the following prophetic message. It turned out that while she was seeking the Lord in prayer  concerning me, the Lord gave her an elaborate vision and a message in response. An extract of the full message is as follows:


I [Bettie] saw a man [you Nicholas] walking up a mountain path as though walking up towards heaven. Then I saw a pulpit with you Nicholas, behind it. You were not wearing a priestly [Anglican] robe but your own suite, and "children" gathered round looking up and listening. Then I saw a vision of a shield and a sword together [suggesting endurance of faith and battles ahead]. Then I saw footsteps. Footsteps going forward. The right foot leading and then a voice I heard saying, “Nicholas will be told when the time is right and will be shown the way”. I then saw the words “right, right, right”. This seemed important, one word recurring three times.


These three words I [Nicholas] believed meant the Lord will show me the Right Way, to the Right Place, at the Right Time. This interpretation proved to be correct and was fulfilled in January of 2010.


The Call Confirmed


In May of 1999 following the above prophetic message, the call to the mount was confirmed by an elaborate dream that I [Nicholas] was given. This seems to mirror the experiences (dreams) Joseph had regarding his call to be ruler in the Book of Genesis. Further more, Joseph told Pharaoh when he was brought out of prison to stand before Pharaoh, that as pharaoh's dream was doubled, i.e. the same matter being revealed twice, it meant the interpretation was sure and that the event will surely come to pass.


This is the confirmation dream: A territory of the kingdom in which I was living got taken over by rebels and a boarder was established. My place of work was now located inside of the rebel territory. I then knew I had to go back into the rebel territory to inform my employer that I can no longer work there because of the new evil government, plus the fact that I will no longer be welcome in that territory anyway.


After sorting out my resignation, I then endeavoured to travel out of that evil territory. But suddenly, somehow, there was no transportation available to take me anywhere.  I then had to walk. I was concerned it will take me a very long time to walk out of the evil territory. Never-the-less I started walking. I headed north. I did not know why or where I was going, but I was making my way northwards regardless.


To cut a much longer story short, I walked up to a subway and floods of water out of nowhere coming from before me and behind me tried to sweep me away. I was saved from the floods. Then coming up to a cross roads a few fierce looking demons dressed  like punk rockers tried to kill me. They had weapons such as chains, baseball bats, etc. in their hands. The blood of Jesus saved me from them all so I could complete my journey. 


I then came by a shop, an off-licence. I thought to myself it would be good for the journey ahead to get some snacks and drinks for the road, so I turned into the shop nearby. When I entered into the shop, I straightaway noticed the presence of demons in the shop. I paused for a moment trying to decide what to do. I then decided I would walk around quickly and get what I needed and get me out. As soon as I took the first step forward, all hell broke loose. The demons in the shop went berserk, thrown into a frenzy, desperately seeking to get out of my way. When I saw all the commotion that suddenly erupted, I changed my mind, left the snacks and got out of the shop. It seems I will have to journey without my own provision.


When I got out of the shop I stood by the roadside looking at my pathway towards the north and assessing my forward journey. It was a bright and sunny day with clear skies. And occupying the horizon in front of me was a mountain. The mountain was majestic in its view. It seemed as though I could reach out my hands and touch its tip from where I was standing, but in reality the mountain was far away. "That is where I am going" I thought to myself. Why I am taking such a hazardous journey to a mountain I do not know. But God knows. All I know is that it is where I need to be.


The Commission To The Mount


It is now 2009, around about October on a Friday evening. My wife and I felt like having dinner in a restaurant so we went over to the Indian restaurant at the end of our road beyond the roundabout. We got talking about the things of God and our ministry for the present and future. Towards the end of our meal the Call of Abraham intruded into my mind as the Holy Spirit said "Leave your father's house and go". This was new to me as I had never had God speak to me in such an audible manner before. I told my wife instantly the words I heard, and to my amazement she just said the Lord was calling us to go south. I did not get any direction but I listened. When we got home I went straight to my Bible and opened up to the account of Abram’s call in Genesis chapter 12. When I read verse 1, a chill went through me as I was beginning to realise what was happening and what it really meant. For some unknown reason, I skipped over verses 2 and 3 and went straight down to verse 9 where the Bible said, ‘And Abram journeyed, going on still towards the south’.


At this point, I knew God had confirmed to me what He spoke to my wife’s heart and I knew for sure that God’s call was now upon me according to the call of Abraham. It was to leave Ruach Ministries (my Father’s House) and to go south to a new land that He will soon give for His people. This was the fulfilment of the prophecy given to me in January of 1999 when the Holy Spirit sent a messenger (Sister Bettie Davies) who has since gone to be with the Lord saying, ‘Tell Nicholas, when the time is right, I will show him the way’. 


Without much delay my wife got on with it and did all the searches for a church building, and guess where the only available building was located for Sunday worship activities? On the mount in Coulsdon, south of where we lived.


Ministry Purpose Revealed


The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:1 - "In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established." God gave three witnesses to the truth of the purpose of Daystar all in the first year of the ministry.


1st Witness

On the 5th of April 2010, almost 4 months after Daystar ministries started up on the mount, my wife and I [Nicholas] were invited to attend a conference at our former church. A young prophet from the United States was going to speak so we attended. During the conference the prophet announced that he felt the Lord wanted to speak to the Pastors of churches present in the House. So a long queue of Pastors and their wives instantly formed and my wife and I also joined the queue. After some time we came before the Prophet. With all the Pastors ahead of us in the queue he used his microphone so that all could hear the word of the Lord. But when my wife and I came and stood before him, he looked at us and gave away his microphone so that no one could hear what was to be spoken. He gently pulled our heads close to him and spoke in our ears. This is what the Holy Spirit said:


"You fasted for many days before you started your ministry. You sowed seed into the ministry by investing your own money into My Work. Because you have done this I will now cause My Seven-fold increase to come. For years the enemy has devoured. I now will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten..."


In this very first prophetic word since Daystar started, God called Daystar His Work. This word "WORK" is unique to only one thing in the Bible, the Ark project. The end-time safe havens for God's people only. So the very first prophetic word given to me [Nicholas] was to tell me that the Ark project was assigned to Daystar ministries. That is why Daystar was directed to be located on the mount. 


2nd Witness

Few days later on the 11th of April 2010, the Spirit of the Lord moved on Sister Patience during the Sunday Service at Daystar Ministries. Whilst she was in the Spirit the Lord showed Sister Patience Isaiah 62. The Lord insisted she must not forget to give this message to Pastor Nicholas when she is out of the Spirit. This was the second prophetic message but the first given in the church since its beginning in January. This message revealed again. the call of the House, His Work being mentioned in verse 11. The same assignment to build an end-time safe haven for God's people on the mount.


3rd Witness

Seven months later on the 10th of November 2010, the Lord spoke through His prophetess during the Sunday Service and this is a short extract of what the Holy Spirit said: "...This is MY WORK, and I am God, and I change not."




​Up until the writing of this history, this ministry has been on track with God. This has not been easy. It's been many years since the 2010 revelations of the purpose of this House. But now as we are entering into 2025, and despite the many attempts of the enemy in the past years to have Daystar derailed and destroyed, God's plan is about to be fully fulfilled. For the Lord has firmly declared, "I am with this House (Daystar), My plans shall go forth as I have spoken." [2014/2023]. To Him be all the glory.

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Hill Crest Halls, 42 Fryston Avenue, Coulsdon, Surrey, UK, CR5 2PT  |  |  Tel: +44 (0)7494-713-984

 Opening Hours: Sundays 10:30am - 12:30pm,​​ Wednesdays 7:15pm - 8:45pm

©2021 Daystar Ministries Charity Number 1144400

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