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The 'Mark of the Beast' clarified

Many Christians are concerned about the mark of the beast. We are believing reports that the microchip is ushering in the mark. These reports have gained much ground simply because the Bible mentioned the 666 number and that no one would be able to buy or sell except they have the mark. But we must consider scriptures in their context.

The "Beast" mentioned in the Bible, in its context, refers to a region or group of Islamic states. You could call it a Caliphate. You will need to go all the way back to the Book of Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar's dream [Daniel 2:31-43] in order to begin to understand the "Beast kingdoms".

1 - The first beast was Babylon [the Lion].

2 - The second was Meado-Percia [the Bear].

3 - The third beast was Grecia [the Leopard], and

4 - The fourth beast kingdom which is to usher in the mark is the same one spoken of in Revelations 13, one beast, part Lion, part Bear, and part Leopard.

This fourth beast kingdom is the derivation, combination, or morph, of all the three beast kingdoms that came before it, all of which eventually died, i.e., the lion, the bear, and the leopard. This fourth beast kingdom which is now rising up in our day is the product of all the three previous beast kingdoms merged together. The region covered by all the four beast kingdoms is the same. They are a group of Islamic nations.

So if we stick strictly to scripture and to its context, the mark of the beast is the mark of your acceptance, or your allegiance to the fourth beast kingdom. And seeing that the fourth beast is wholly the kingdom of Islam, then the mark of the beast can only point to your forced allegiance to Allah. This will be consistent with Revelations 13:1 that says that the name of blasphemy was written on the seven heads of the beast. So, if we stick strictly to the context of scripture, we cannot but see that this has nothing to do with the microchip, which is an insert, but a superimposed mark, or band on the hand or forehead. Let us review the relevant scripture below:

Revelations 13:16

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in [on] their right hand, or in [on] their foreheads...

The actual Greek word translated into "in" in the above scripture is actually "on". See G1909 in Strong's Hebrew and Greek dictionaries. This word speaks of superimposition on the skin not insertion.

We need to be clear about what the microchip is and what it is not. It is NOT a mark, it is an insert. The 666 number of Revelations 13:18 may be a spiritual or physical number of a man. Time will tell which one it will be if not both. Also, Revelations 13:15 tell us that the mark of the beast will be a choice to be made, not anything forced or secretly injected. The mark is given to you after you have accepted the image (idol) of the beast. Thereafter you can live and survive and do business by buying and selling in all the regions of the beast kingdom.

Nicholas Williamson-Taylor



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